Multi-level Universal Standard for Intelligent Constructs

MUSIC® is a specification that participating simulation systems (PSS) (e.g. simulation systems, immersive gaming environments, and semi-automated forces (SAF) systems) can adopt.

The Multi-level Universal Standard for Intelligent Constructs (MUSIC®) sets out to:

  • Reduce repetitive knowledge capture efforts with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from numerous down to one.
  • Increase transferability of behaviors developed with SMEs to new simulation systems which may have different implementations, capabilities, functions, sensors, etc.
  • Allow more control in choosing simulation options by providing behavior models that require little to no modification when moving from simulation to simulation.

Through adoption of MUSIC®, training simulation designers can now separate knowledge capture from the specifics of the simulation environment. The figures below illustrate this premise. Figure 1 shows how knowledge capture is done today. Models are developed in many disparate systems using scripting, finite state machine representations, behavior trees or goal-directed cognitive models. Each knowledge capture effort requires a SME to work with developers, scripters, or knowledge engineers to define the intelligent agent for the simulation of choice. Those efforts must then be duplicated every time a new simulation is introduced. Figure 2 shows how MUSIC® can be used to capture a single knowledge representation that applies to all participating simulations and provides a framework that can be leveraged by future simulation systems.


Figure 1


Figure 2

What MUSIC® Is
MUSIC® is a specification that participating simulation systems (PSS) (e.g. simulation systems, immersive gaming environments, and semi-automated forces (SAF) systems) can adopt to gain access to intelligent constructs that can act within their environment. These intelligent constructs are driven by participating cognitive systems (PCS) that drive the construct’s decision making. Broadly defined, constructs include entities, such as vehicles, ships, or aircraft, but also avatars, agents and intelligent devices that can be leveraged within the participating simulation. MUSIC® is a message passing specification that works with existing message standards, such as, but not limited to, High Level Architecture (HLA) and Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS). These existing message standards are meant to allow a network of heterogeneous systems to communicate. You can request the MUSIC® Specification via email at [email protected].



153 West Fourth Street, Unit 1
Williamsport, PA 17701