AI Instructors
Reduce or eliminate human instructor requirements to provide students with more training access at a fraction of the costIndividualized, on-demand coaching without a human instructor empowers students to learn at their own pace.

An AI Instructor watches, coaches, assesses, and grades a learner within any type of training event. It does this by combining domain knowledge with real-time information to suggest ways to improve. Discovery Machine® AI Instructors can passively monitor in the background, provide active verbal instructions, and even take the controls and show demonstrations of best practices.
AI Instructors provide an alternative in the budget-strapped world because they act the same way as humans do. These instructors watch what the trainees do, answer questions when trainees ask, identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, and adapt teaching to emphasize each student’s individual talents. AI Instructors can even inject challenges in real-time based on how the trainees are performing. In this way, AI Instructors take advantage of traditional learning approaches like tutoring, while minimizing reliance on human instructors.

AI Instructors are unbiased in their assessment of each student and can access and use information from a simulation at a pace faster than any human instructor. This lets AI Instructors provide consistent objective training to all students while increasing individual student proficiency. AI Instructors can even summarize results instantly as part of intelligent after-action reviews (AARs) and debriefs with students with more data than a typical instructor could provide.
AI Instructors can be voice-enabled to answer student questions and provide verbal coaching or chat-enabled to communicate with students in a written form. AI Instructors can be embedded in the simulation as active avatars or as just voices into headsets for either live or simulated training using the MUSIC® Specification.
Each AI Instructor is designed to provide on-demand mission-rehearsal for students, reducing both the budget and staffing requirements for any training program. In some cases, AI Instructors fully replace human instructors in the classroom and in others they work in conjunction with human instructors to reduce workload. Whether you want to fully replace your human instructors with AI or introduce AI Instructors to optimize your staff, Discovery Machine has a solution.

153 West Fourth Street, Unit 1
Williamsport, PA 17701